We Study the Word

Come to the church or connect via Zoom and feast on the bread of life! It is critical to your spiritual strength, the inspired Word increases your faith when unsure, helps you to understand God's will when unknown, encourages when discouraged, it gives direction when you're at a fork in the road,  and breathes life when you can't seem to find your breath. Join us as we share the truth of the Gospel with one another and how it pertains to learning how to live the blessed assured life God intends.  

We Pray Daily

God did not say if, He said "WHEN you pray". We pray daily for you, Monday through Friday, we are lifting up your family, your friends, your finances, and your future, that you may be in health and prosper even as your soul prospers. God is always with you and is always for you, but the principle is to "Ask" to "Seek" to "Knock" and it will be opened for you. We MUST ask and only then will it be given, come under the covering of the Great Shepherd, let your request be made known to Jesus, and He that hears in secret will reward you openly. 

We Fast?

The Bible says do not be surprised when bad things happen, this world is corrupt and bad things happen, even to good people, but we are told to have joy in the mist of trials because Jesus has given us the victory over every circumstance. Our enemy will attack but in the long run you will not be harmed, you will only grow stronger. Also know that you don't have to sit back and accept everything the enemy throws at you, you have power to overcome because the Spirit of God lives on the inside of you and He wants to defeat the enemy. Your victory depends on your submission to the Spirit of God, and we know that our Spirits are strongest when our flesh is surrendered. Why do we fast? Jesus said some enemies are strong, and the only way to defeat them is by prayer & fasting. This is why we Fast & Pray.